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2 Serving Carnivore Mousse

Updated: Aug 9, 2023

Carnivore Mousse
Carnivore Mousse

This Carnivore Mousse is a delightful treat and can be flavoured according to your tastes and enjoyment!

It is so easy to make this and serve it to a guest or for special occasions. You can top it with more whipped cream or if you aren't strict carnivore, you could sprinkle with cinnamon, drizzle with honey or a little bit of shaved chocolate!


  • mixing bowl

  • measuring spoons

  • hand mixer

  • ramekins or small bowls


  • 4 oz cream cheese (half a block) room temp

  • 2 tbsp heavy whipping cream

  • 1/2 tsp pure vanilla extract (omit if strict carnivore)

  • optional: 1/2 - 1 tsp instant coffee if you prefer and are not strict carnivore


  1. Place all ingredients in a bowl. Using an electric hand mixer, beat/whip all ingredients together.

  2. Once the mousse is whipped, spoon or pipe into ramekin or bowl.

  3. Garnish to your taste and serve!

  4. Store any unused portions in the fridge for up to one week.

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5 days ago

How do you get chocolate mousse with this? I see no chocolate in the recipe.

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