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I look forward to hearing from you - please email me with any questions or to book your consultation. 


"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance.  Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." James 1:2-4


I have the pleasure of knowing Richelle in many ways; as a peer, a client & a friend. Our relationships coalescing like this may cause friction for others, yet I feel it’s a testament to Richelle’s ability to ground herself in her compassion, professionalism & authenticity that provides us to feel so safe in these multiplicities. As a client, I was held so lovingly & with Richelle’s guidance & skills we were able to hone in on the root of my blockage. I was listened to with such care that I felt truly seen & accepted which felt, & continues to feel, deeply healing. The journey we went on together was a beautiful experience for me & I am one of Richelle’s many fans - I’ll be cheerleading her for a long time to come too! 

If you want a coach that is profoundly wise, kind, strong, as perceptive as Yoda (without the muddled speech), humble & knowledgable in so many areas, then reach out, make that booking & take a leap.

— Stephanie Lawrence, Coaching Client

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